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A Sweet Gift to Myself and one to Share!

I ordered two copies of this book after reading a few of Penni's postings on her Instagram account @pennisparks and hearing her share "B is for Busy" at a gathering for women. This book is an easy read filled with sweet short meditations offering a new perspective to some of life's everyday scenarios. I love the focus on Peace and on Self Care and staying true to myself (Magnet) no matter what or who I am around. I ended up reading most of the book on Christmas Day (today!) and it has been such a sweet gift to myself. C is for COW's is my favorite so far! I look forward to finishing the book and hearing what others' favorites are from The ABC's of Being Human. Mahalo Penni for taking the time to publish this book!

Amanda H

Postcard Sweet Gift

A Feast for the Soul!

I received my book yesterday! I often devour books, simply gobbling them up quickly and discarding the few bones and then I’m off to the next one.


This is a feast for the soul and each dish (or letter) is so amazingly rich and delicious it must be savored, slowly to allow each flavor to sit and expel its greatness. Moving on quickly is not an option, rather peacefully enjoying every aspect of one dish at a time, allowing for consideration, contemplation and “digestion,” to be nourished by each word and idea. To become satisfied, knowing that the next dish will be so marvelous, but not ready to part from the wonders of the one I just finished quite yet. The remaining flavor in my mouth calls me to sit a bit longer before partaking of the next beautifully crafted offering! And knowing that I can return for a second or third helping whenever I wish.  Oh, so fabulous!

Mary M

Feast for the Soul

A Refreshingly New Outlook!

Humorous and deeply wise, this book is filled with a wide assortment of inner games that allow you to reframe a moment of insecurity or anger and fill it with a deep sense of inner peace. Though I’ve read it cover to cover, I keep opening it again when I need a reminder of new ways to approach any number of challenges in my life with a renewed sense of kindness or peace. My day often seems brighter after reading a chapter from this beautiful book.

Al S

New Outlook

After a difficult week, and a difficult night, I crawled into your book and it's delightful.


Difficult Week

Are you searching for wisdom?

Because I found wisdom in the pages of this book! I read it through once, and now I am going to savor each “letter” as a daily meditation. Many thanks to the author for cleverly sharing her wisdom!

Erin H

Searching for Wisdom

This book connects mind to heart, providing fun ways to navigate life’s challenges

This book is simply a treasure! A must read for anyone looking for help with being human. I thoroughly enjoyed the heartfelt, personal tips, augmented by the beautiful art. Highly recommended!

Tamara D

Simply a Treasure

The picture of you is absolutely STUNNING!  And of course the words, pure Pennism's. I can hear your soft, kind voice as I read, your excited voice and your teaching voice. What a beautiful journey.

A Friend 

Stunning photos

I have just read Penni's book! And I love it. So fresh and different to the usual 'help' books. Inspiring. I enjoyed it so much that I have given it to a friend for her birthday (today.)

Thanks for telling me about it. 


Fresh and Inspiring

You’ve already made my eyes water... and my heart warm... I’m journeying in. 


This book and these insights are clearly not to be rushed...

I’m giving myself large chunks of me time and your book... and taking the time and being in the space to fully consume these lessons. I’m so evolving even more with each turn of the page. 

Amy D

Not to be Rushed

Yours is the kitchen of the heart and your ingredients are your loving words,

the blessing of your presence and wisdom, your calm composure, and so much more.

Your first documented recipe book you shared with the world is The ABC’s of Being Human.

But it all began far before the written words.


It began as you learned the lessons of the kitchen of hearts and began experimenting

with how to enhance the flavors of life and love for yourself and those around you!

You are a very humble Master Chef and I love you!


Kitchen of the Soul


My New Favorite Book

I just received my book today and I am absolutely loving it. I am fortunate to have heard Penni speak on some of the topics mentioned. Penni sharing her experience, strength, and hope in a way that I can definitely relate to. Very interesting and fun to read. Highly Recommend!!

Amazon Customer


Great Coffee Table Book!

I love the book and the ABC format. It’s written with humor, games, and love.

It’s the kind of book you can pick up anytime, turn to any page for a positive surge of insight!

Barbara S

Love the ABC format!

I just received my copy this afternoon & haven’t put it down. Very easy flowing read with some great humor! Love the ABC format... clever! Illustrations add a nice added dimension. Thank you for sharing your ESH in a very clever way!


Daily Dose of Penni

I have had the honor of hearing this author speak on many occasions, I can honestly share she truly lives the ideals she shares. When I read her words, I feel her sincere vibration and hear her soothing voice. I read a little of her book each day, so I can get a daily dose of her wisdom and the reminders I need to live my life unmanaged by my head and managed by my heart. I recommend this book for anyone looking for a lighter approach to living. Thank you for sharing, my sweet friend. I look forward to your next book.

Tracy F


I LOVE this book

This is a great book of wisdom for anyone. It radiates kindness and a gentle approach to living and staying centered. One of the things I especially like is that you can just open to any page (or letter of the alphabet) and get a "potluck" piece of wisdom for that day or hour. The book is creative and helps you reframe challenging situations in new ways. I am going to buy this for some of my friends. Thanks so much - the art is great, too!

Virginia F

A practical and powerful book full of wisdom


I loved reading this book. I too have heard Penni Sparks speak many times on the powerful ideas in her book. She is an authentic, caring, and wise woman. Her book reflects her practical and profound wisdom in an easy to understand format. I highly recommend this outstanding offering to advance your personal and spiritual development.

Richard L

Penni!! I’m utterly enthralled and I’m only to C is for Cows!! I already feel like you have stimulated positive change in me and not on the surface but with a deep anchor because of your amazing stories. PAY attention, it being a commodity (fantastic!) and busy = heart murdering, love it!


I’ve always felt you were a genius and I’m just so glad it’s going out across the world!

It’s really really good, Penni. You must be so proud of it. Heck, I’m proud of it!! 


Your book is so utterly classy I feel like they would jump at the chance to include it

in Vogue’s ‘yummy stuff collection’  


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